Biomedical Engineering Research Foundation
About the Institute
Knowing the importance of biotechnology in the recent industrial development and on global economy the BMER Foundation, SALEM started the college in 2001 and affiliated it with Periyar University (a State Government University). Starting from Graduation and Diploma courses the college has the specialized biotech post graduate and research programs leading to M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees.
The Institute’s Awards & Activities:
è International Institute of Education and Management (IIEM), Delhi awarded the Institute with ‘NATIONAL GOLD STAR AWARD’ in the year 2004.
è The institute has got tie-up with Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) – Seattle, USA.
è Tie-up with WHO reference lab for leptospirosis, Brisbane – Australia & Amsterdam of the Netherlands.
è Locally for the immunologic studies the Institute has got tie up with Shanmuga hospital and research institute.
è Regularly conducting free blood grouping & Serology oriented camps for tribal populations at Yercaud Hills. The blood samples are currently being screened for HIV, HBV & HCV by ELISA technique.
è Currently HCV & HIV RNA isolation & amplification studies are being carried out with RT-PCR for the tribal population in association with Dept. of Microbiology, Dr. ALM PG IBMS Taramani, Chennai.
è Many Government and Private colleges in Tamilnadu including Loyola College, Chennai have entered with MoU for the conduction of UGC sponsored vocational Biotech courses and internship programs with the help of BMERF.
Belinda Thompson: MS , Vermont University, USA
Gaffar: Molecular Biologist, Government hospital, Riyadth.
Gupta L.N: System Analyst, Bioinformatics Software Development, New Jersey USA
Hemalatha: Faculty Alameya University Ethiopia – US run University
Rammohan: RA, Promega Biotech, Washington, USA.
Vasanth Singan: MS (Bioinformatics) Indiana University, USA.
Vallalan: MS, Virginia Common wealth University, USA
Geetha Priya: Faculty Shanmuga Cancer Research Institute, Salem.
Lavanya Devi: Faculty Shanmuga Cancer Research Institute
Manigandan: Research team leader Hatsun Foods Valapady, Salem
Pradeep: Scientist – R&D Pepsi foods – Hyderabad.
Rajasekar: JRF- Spices Board of India – Kerala.
Saravana Balaji S: Research Assistant, NIV, Pune.
Selvakumar,G: JRF – N F M C –Bharadhidasan University – Trichy
Senthil kumar: Research fellow, CLRI, Chennai, Now in California, USA.
Vasanthi: RA, ICAR at Andaman & Nicobar Islands currently working as a RA in
Gene Therapy Research Institute, Taiwan.