Gnanamani College of Technology
The Gnyanamani educational Institutions are run by the two legendary academicians Dr.T.Arangannal – a Rashtria Vidya Saraswathi Puraskar Awardee for his outstanding achievement in the field of education and a recipient of Doctorate from the University of Srilanka for his consummate services to education and Mrs.P.Malaleena.These two legends have been the great support and encouragement of Gnyanamani educational Institutions and taking it to newer heights.
The Institutions have been standing out as a unique place of learning in imparting quality education under the eminent administrator Dr.P.Premkumar, Chief Administrative Officer who is striving to promote the institution in the upward ladders of success.
Gnyanamani educational Institutions have a unique distinction of having the best teaching faculty. The highly devoted teaching staff give their motivation to knowledge hungry students and the earnestness of the trust in imparting quality education under the leadership of the eminent Principal Dr.T.K.Kannan. They lead to extra mile and make sure that the students’ perform well constantly for their career success.