SNS College of Technology (Autonomous)
Our primary concept is Design Thinking, where this approach to education provides the students to have the academic freedom to understand complex problems and principles through engaged learning activities and helps nurture progressive minds. With leading-edge faculty and remarkable alumni, we are committed to provide students with a challenging and relevant education for developing them to have an impact on the world and solve the most pressing social issues of our nation.
SNS College of Technology envisions to be an internationally recognized Technical University, renowned for its excellence in teaching, learning and research in diversified fields of Engineering and Technology, by producing globally competent technocrats with strong ethical values.
To offer contemporary and rigorous educational experiences that will equip the graduates with advanced problem solving and critical thinking skills for contributing to societal growth.
To ensure continuous development of infrastructure and state-of-the art equipments to provide technologically advanced and intellectually inspiring learning environment.
To provide an ambience that encourages knowledge acquisition and academic freedom, to produce skilled professionals and vibrant entrepreneurs.
To collaborate with Industry, Government bodies, R&D Organizations and Foreign Universities to acquire new knowledge and develop technological transformations to achieve global excellence.
To instill a sense of professional integrity, social and ethical values, leadership qualities and cultural awareness to evolve as a responsible citizen.