Tamilnadu School of Architecture
Tamilnadu School of Architecture
Tamilnadu School of Architecture was sponsored by Tamilnadu Technical Education Foundation. The Institution was founded by eminent philanthropists Dr.P.V.Ravi.Ph.D.,Chairman, Mr.A.P.Sabarivasa – Secretary & Correspondent, Prof. D.Suresh Kumar, B.Arch, M.U.P, Director who are pioneering educators having unmatched rich experience in the field of education with the belief that the continuous perusal of knowledge is the sole path to success. The School is approved by Council of Architecture, New Delhi and affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, Tamilnadu.
Tamilnadu School of Architecture is an institution providing value added education, a centre of excellence, focused on flexible programming with state of the art technology and prepare students to meet unprecedented global challenge in the field of Architecture and its allied subjects.
This course lays foundation to specialize in Urban design, Urban and Regional planning, Landscape Architecture, settlement planning, Product design,Construction and project management, Digital Architecture, Sustainable Architecture,Environmental Architecture, Architectural Conservation,Computer aided Architectural design,Transportation planning and design etc
Re-defining the edge: Educating young Architects to ideate, speculate and create. Mentoring the young minds to meet global architectural and sustainable challenges through glocal values and idioms.